Fallen Leaves is screening

Fallen Leaves is screening

Fallen Leaves is screening at Big Film Fest on Monday, February 19 at 7:15 pm at the Norgan Theatre. Located on 275 Main Street West in Palmerston.

Who’s Yer Father is screening

Who’s Yer Father is screening

Who’s Yer Father is screening at Big Film Fest on Monday, January 15 at 7:15 pm at the Norgan Theatre. Located on 275 Main Street West in Palmerston.

Screening I Like Movies

Screening I Like Movies

Screening I Like Movies at Big Film Fest in May 2023. On Monday, May 15 at 7:15 pm. At the Norgan Theatre in Palmerston. Admission $10.00. Written and directed by Canadian filmmaker Chandler Levack, “I Like Movies” is set in the early 2000s in Burlington, Ontario....

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