Big Film Fest presents: Through Black Spruce. Screening at the Norgan Theatre in Palmerston on Monday, April 15, 2019 at 7:15 pm. Through Black Spruce is directed by Don McKellar and it stars veteran Indigenous actors Graham Greene and Tantoo Cardinal. With newcomer...
On March 18 Big Film Fest is showing at the Norgan Theatre in Palmerston: Clara. Take a trip through space with Isaac Bruno (Patrick J. Adams), who is an astronomer, consumed with searching the cosmos for evidence of life. When his obsession jeopardizes his career, he...
Big Film Fest: At Eternity’s Gate. Big Film Fest presents for its screening on January 21 the amazing story of the life and death of master artist Vincent van Gogh. In AT ETERNITY’S GATE, Vincent Van Gogh (Willem Dafoe) is having little success with his...
The Big Film Fest presents at the Norgan Theatre on November 19th: The Bookshop. A moderately entertaining adaptation of Penelope Fitzgerald’s slender novel about Florence Green (Emily Mortimer), a widow who opens up a bookshop in a dilapidated stone house in a small...
Screening on October 15th in the Norgan Theatre: Puzzle. (2018) A woman who has a talent for assembling jigsaw puzzles sneaks away from her suburban town and goes to New York City, where she partners with a man for a puzzle tournament in Atlantic City. As she...